Built by the HF Community for Those Living With HF



Mental and emotional well-being

‘A half hour at the coffee shop, reading the paper and having a snack, gives me the time I need to recharge.’

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Remind yourself that you have needs, too 

To keep your frustration from building up, it’s important to take a step back every once in a while. This can help keep you productive and maintain a positive relationship with the person you are caring for. 

Being realistic and thinking positive are easier if you: 

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Seek emotional support if you need it.

It can be scary and sometimes overwhelming to care for someone with heart failure. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Reach out to friends, other family members, spiritual advisors, or even healthcare providers to seek advice and share your feelings. 

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Have confidence in your role as a caregiver.

Reassure yourself: ‘It’s a tough job, but I can do it.’ Teach your mind to think in positive terms.

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Learn the signs of chronic depression.

Be on the watch for symptoms of depression. Reach out for help if you experience depression, which can often be managed with talk therapy, medication, or a combination of both. A weekly visit to a counsellor can be a big help. 

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Stick to the present.

Do what you have to do today. Tomorrow will be here soon enough. You can plan ahead, but don’t let worrying about the future rule your life.

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Keep humour in your life.

It’s true—laughter is the best medicine. Watch a silly TV program or seek out a movie that you find funny. Find things to laugh about with the person in your care—that person needs joy too.